Unleashing Jekyll's hidden powers with custom Liquid templating
How I use Liquid templating with HTML to create dynamic components on my website.
# What is custom components and templates?
I refer to custom components as reusable HTML elements that I can easily use over and over and customize easily each time I use them. Essentially, components are a set of building blocks that you can utilize on your website, for example this dropdown,
which I easily added to the post by adding the following very simple piece of include code in the .md file:
{% include components/dropdown.html
title='Click me!'
icon='fa-solid fa-arrow-pointer fa-beat'
content='I dropped down and revealed more information.' %}
or how about a progressbar?
by adding
{% include components/progressbar.html
title='I am almost there! (progressbar title)' %}
These weird pieces of code are examples of the Liquid templating language used to include templates. In general, Liquid tags provide a way to inject dynamic behavior into templates by evaluating logic and rendering content accordingly.
All this evaluation and rendering happens automatically when exporting the jekyll website to the _site
folder such that the website is still static when served on the webserver as usual.
You can read more about Liquid in the docs of Jekyll.
# How-to
The first step is to create the .html
files with the components themselves, I only cover the progressbar here as the dropdown is more advanced.
# Adding HTML
I added a file called progressbar.html
to the _includes/components
folder with the following code:
{% if include.title %}<b>{{ include.title }}</b>{% endif %}
<div class="progressbar-container">
<div class="progressbar-percent {% if include.color%} {{ include.color }} {% else %} default {% endif %}" style="width:{{ include.percent }}%;">
{{ include.percent }}%
It is important to notice here that the outer <div></div>
tags are strictly necessary to prevent the Jekyll engine of nesting the component in <p></p>
tags when building the site as this might break your code.
Here again I use Liquid tags. The code should be fairly self-explanatory; however, I will note that the
{% if include.variable %}<b>{{ include.variable }}</b>{% endif %}
tags allows us to parse variables from the include call in the post and use them in the .html
file. Super cool! For more details refer to the Liquid documentation.
# Styling with Sass / CSS
I use Sass to style my website so that is what I will show here; however, you could easily do the same in ordinary CSS or whatever you use…
In my components .scss
file I added the following code:
.progressbar-container {
background-color: $default-bg;
width: 100%;
border-radius: 15px;
margin: 1em 0px;
.progressbar-percent {
color: white;
font-size: 1rem;
text-align: right;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 15px;
&.default {background-color: $default-bg;}
&.alert {background-color: $alert;}
&.warning {background-color: $warning;}
&.success {background-color: $success;}
Where all the variables prefixed by $ are color variables that I have defined in my variables Sass file. And that is pretty much it, super simple right!